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WomensLIFE: Book Study

  • College Heights Baptist Church 2320 Anderson Avenue Manhattan, KS, 66502 United States (map)

Women’sLIFE enjoyed the book study so much last semester they are going to do another book study this spring semester beginning February 22nd. They will go through Jackie Hill Perry’s book Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture. This is an 8 week study through the book of Jude. The cost is $20 for the study guide and access to the videos in case you miss a week. See below for the two attendance options:


1)   There is a time set again for Wednesday mornings at College Heights Baptist Church from 9-10:30am. Childcare is provided but limited. Childcare cost is $5-10 per week paid up front. The final price will be determined when we know how many moms are interested. **If paying for childcare is a hindrance, we do have funds set aside to help.**


2) Ginny Young is hosting the evening study!! Her days and times available to host are found on the registration form. Depending on the most common day women sign up for is the evening the study will occur on. Stay tuned for the details.

To register follow this link!

Earlier Event: November 13
Baptism Sunday
Later Event: February 25
MensLIFE Gathering