What if…
After church, 20 leaders didn’t have to worry about tearing down a sound system and stacking chairs, but could focus on connecting with people. 20 leaders for 20 minutes, 52 times a year—that’s a significant investment in relationships.
KidsLIFE volunteers spent less time keeping kids from touching the things in our rented space that aren’t for our use, and more time building relationships and pointing our precious children to Jesus. Imagine the mountains God could move!
People lingered in soft, comfortable setting instead of rushing through narrow hallways to pick up their children, clean spaces, and retreat to the parking lot. Envision the relationships that would be grown and fostered.
Fusion students could meet in a location where parents were able to remain and work or wait or entertain their younger children. Just picture the barriers being removed for families to bring their teens to fellowship with one another and adults that desire their well-being.
“I have loved not having a building for so many years because it has kind of forced us to develop a servant’s heart culture. It has forced us to train sound techs that understand the system at every level. It has forced us to see our homes as ministry locations. I don’t want any of that to change, but in some ways it feels like we are functioning at 80% of our potential because so much time and energy are spent on things every week that wouldn’t be necessary if we had our own home. I’m excited about the new level of excellence that a building will provide.”
20 minutes
20 people
x 52 Sundays
1,040 hours/year
What’s it going to take to bring these dreams to life?
Financial goal: $3.8 Million
Groundbreaking goal: $2,381,000
Total Cash Received: $1,776,080.96
total pledged: $306,227.71
Total raised to date: $2,082,308.67
One of the blessings of living in Manhattan, KS, is that we meet people from across the globe, thanks to our college and military population. The downside is that our church family often feels like a revolving door.
That’s why we are seeking partners among our alumni, friends, and others who care about relational ministry – in addition to our current church members – to help us build this worship center.
We believe God is already stirring the hearts of people who will help us bring these dreams to life. Will you prayerfully partner with us and make a gift today of $50,000, $10,000, $500, or some other amount?
Expanding our capacity for relational ministry
A support group for single moms … a food pantry … events for college students … Bible studies with on-site childcare—these are just a few of new dreams that our church members have shared as we’ve prepared to build our first worship center.
For over 30 years, New Hope has met in rented facilities, and we’ve seen God develop deep relationships through the activities that happen beyond the four walls of a church. Yet, we’ve also felt some growing pains in recent years because our rented space is only available two days a week.
In 2018, the Lord graciously provided a property in the heart of Manhattan for a fraction of the listing price. (What a miracle!) Our future worship center will be built here – one mile from the K-State campus, close to a low-income neighborhood, with 37,000 cars passing by each day.
Imagine what would be possible if some of the logistical hurdles were removed, and our church members could carry out the dreams God has placed on their hearts.
Imagine the children, college students, military members, and families who would experience the love of Christ working in us and through us!
Imagine these people walking with Jesus for a lifetime, and taking the Gospel with them as they move on to new cities to start their careers, raise families, and serve on military bases and the mission field.
We can’t wait for the adventure that lies ahead!
The Story of the Land
Everyone in Manhattan agreed—the abandoned hotel on Tuttle Creek Boulevard was an eyesore. But when a member of our church toured the foreclosed property in May 2018, he looked past the cobwebs and the scum-filled swimming pool and envisioned what the place could become.
Since then, God has confirmed over and over that He is the one leading us to build a worship center here … from acquiring the land for a fraction of the listing price … to an unknown banker praying that the property would be used for God’s glory, long before we saw it … to our finding ways to bless the community with items in the abandoned hotel.
Ways to Give
Give online at newhopeks.org/give-building
Choose “Give to Building” from the dropdown menu before clicking “Continue”.Mail your gift to New Hope Church
1125 Garden Way Suite 110
Manhattan, KS 66502
Please make checks out to “New Hope Church” and write “building” in the memo line and on the outside of the envelope.
QUESTIONS? If you would like to talk with someone about our future plans or have questions about giving, please contact info@newhopeks.org
“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.”