The Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists is our bi-state regional affiliation that assists churches in making disciples.

3.00% of income given

Christian Challenge

Christian Challenge is one of several college ministries operating at K-State. They have strong values of worship, discipleship, and missions.

2.50% of income given


Helping International Students engages international students at K-State and helps match them with American friends who can show them the love of Christ.

1.00% of income given

Dwell Mobile

New Hope alumna, Jeri Stroade, founded and directs Dwell Mobile, an organization based in Mobile, AL that provides opportunities for refugees to thrive by raising awareness, removing obstacles, and restoring relationships.

0.75% of income given

Life Choice Ministries

Life Choice provides support for women with crisis pregnancies, preparation for parenthood, abstinence education, post abortion counseling, and facilitates local adoptions.

0.50% of income given


Smoky Hill Association

This organization is our local, intra-state assocation of Southern Baptist Churches that assists local churches, especially rural ones.

0.50% of income given

The Homestead

This ministry of Westview Community Church helps women coming out of the sex industry to successfully reintegrate into society.

0.25% of income given

Manhattan Emergency Shelter

This organization provides temporary housing and assistance to the homeless in Manhattan.

0.25% of income given

Shepherd’s Crossing

This interdenominational ministry provides budget counseling, referrals, and financial assistance to Riley County residents in need.

0.25% of income given


If you have any questions or comments about these strategic partnerships, please contact New Hope's Lead Pastor, Charles Musil, at