Christmas Eve Service
Join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus at our Christmas Eve service! We will have a family-friendly service ending with candlelight.
Join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus at our Christmas Eve service! We will have a family-friendly service ending with candlelight.
We will enjoy our annual Christmas Celebration on December 8th at 5pm. This event primarily revolves around fellowship and remembering the story of Christmas. We will enjoy dinner together followed by a skit from our K-5th children and a dance from a few youth girls. Meat and cheesy potatoes will be provided. Please plan to bring something to share according to the first letter of your last name. (Bring about 10-15 servings or a 9x13 in pan) A-M: Vegetable side (non-starch), N-R: Salad, S-Z: Dessert.
Join the women of New Hope for some crafting, fellowship, and a brief message about “Gifting the presence of Christ” on December 7th from 9-11:30 am. We will gather at Sikes in Leonardville, KS. Please RSVP!
Each fall we take one Sunday to emphasize care to vulnerable children and families called “Stand Sunday”. Stand Sunday received it’s name in 2004 from a day one woman stood up in Texas at her church to accept the call to love and advocate for hurting children. This year, we will celebrate and highlight this vision on December 1st. Nate Bruns from Lifeline Children Services will share with us. After our Sunday Gathering, there will be a lunch for those interested in hearing more about Lifeline Children Services. If you would like to join for that lunch, please RSVP to Team 1:27 so they can think about how many to plan for.
We would love to welcome the college students back with a breakfast on September 15th before Sunday Gathering at 8:30am. We will enjoy some morning treats in the cafeteria at Flint Hills Christian School!
Women’s Life will be hosting a brunch on Sunday, September 8th at the Timbercreek 3 park pallion, which is a neighborhood near Flint Hills Christian School. The pavilion has covered outdoor space with limited seating. Please bring a lawn chair just in case. The time is from 8:00a.m.-9:30a.m. This will be a chance to gather and catch up with one another, enjoy some delicious food, AND get to hear from Katie Musil, our new pastor's wife. She will be sharing a little about herself with us. An email will be sent out with brunch ideas to bring.
If you aren’t on the Women’s Life email list, please give your email address on your Welcome card and we’ll get you added!
Hope you can join us
Join the Men of New Hope for a campfire on August 25th at 7:00pm at 4320 Wam-teau Drive, Wamego, KS 66547.
Celebrate the beginning of another school year with us for a “Back to School Breakfast” before church on Sunday July 25th at 9am! We will eat together, fellowship together, and have resources available for you all to know how to connect more with New Hope this school year! Bring a breakfast item to share with others. For amount, consider the equivalent to a 9x13 pan.
Join us for our annual pool party on August 2 at 6:15-7:45. We have reserved Northview Waterpark. Free Admission! Invite your friends and neighbors to enjoy the pool with us!!
Help us celebrate Dick and Nancy Jaques as they retire from 9 years of pastoral ministry here at New Hope Church, and 42 years of ministry total. We are so excited to encourage them as they step into a new season of life and tell them Thank You for all their investment in us!
Join the men of New Hope for a campfire on July 17 at 7:00pm at 3765 Windmill Run Dr., Wamego, KS 66547.
Join us every Sunday this summer for some kid fun! KidsLIFE is held during the service for newborns through 5th graders. The summer is some extra fun and messy times. (Think VBS every Sunday!) This summer we are learning about the life of Joseph! Join us this week!
Men’s Disc Golf night is starting on Thursday June 13th at Fairmont Park. Starting at around 6:00-6:15 we form groups each Thursday evening throughout the summer. We will play a different course each week and see what each one has to offer. Feel free to come out for exercise, fellowship, and fun. All ages and abilities are welcome! Contact Nate Harstine ( with any questions.
As you can see I just copied the golf announcement and edited it for disc golf.
My plan would be to play these courses on these dates
June 13 Fairmont Park
June 20 Warner Park
June 27 Tuttle Creek State Park
July 4 Not play this week
July 11 Fairmont Park
July 18 Warner Park
July 25 Tuttle Creek State Park
August 1 Fairmont Park
August 8 Warner Park
August 15 Tuttle Creek State Park
Lots of moms and kids are meeting up weekly to connect with one another on Wednesday mornings at various locations in Manhattan. Look for “MHK Summer 2024 Playgroup” on Facebook to see where the next meet-up is!
Men’s League Golf night is starting up again on June 3rd at Wildcat Family Fun and Fitness (Costs are roughly $18 per evening or there is a reasonable family membership available). Starting at around 6:00-6:15 we form groups each Monday evening throughout the summer. Feel free to come out for exercise, fellowship, and fun. All ages and abilities are welcome! Contact Eric Reid ( with any questions.
Join the ladies for a game night at the Love’s home, 3605 Brenda Ct. Please bring a game and/or a snack to share!
Our women’s ministry, WomensLIFE, is hosting a bonfire on October 7 from 7-9pm at the Flippo’s house, 32757 Emmon’s Creek Rd. If you would like to carpool, RSVP to Kristen Page at
Bring your lunch and join us on Thursdays from 12pm-1pm for a study through the book Strange New World by Carl R Trueman. The group will begin meeting on October 5th at College Heights Baptist Church (until we move into our new office space at the end of the month). We will watch a short video and have a discussion. The cost of the book is $10. Please indicate if you need childcare!! Sign up HERE by Monday, October 2, at noon so we can order the correct number of books!!
SAVE THE DATE!! Our youth are invited to Super Summer this coming summer! Details to come!
Join us at City Park in the Northwest corner to kick off the summer with food trucks, inflatables, and carnival activities!! Invite your friends, neighbors, and family!! All activities are free! Food will cost.
SIGN UP TO SERVE!! Follow this link and add your name to a slot or two!!
SIGN UP TO MAKE A RAFFLE BASKET!! Follow the link to make a summer themed basket as a family or a LIFE Group. (Please keep them within the $50-$150 range.
Join us as we celebrate the new babies the Lord has blessed our community with. We will pray for and encourage the families welcoming these little ones.
Join us for our baptism service!! If you personally have surrendered your life to Jesus and have interest in getting baptized, please email We will set up a time to talk with you!
The WomensLIFE Spring Conference is an overnight stay in Kansas City on April 14th and 15th. Friday evening and Saturday morning we will attend the “Glory” Conference by Jackie Hill Perry. We will grab lunch when it is over. Be on the lookout in your email for details on the conference and to register. The deadline to sign up is March 19. Contact Kristen Page for any additional questions or to be added to the WomensLIFE email list.
You are invited to our Annual Easter Celebration!! This is one of our favorite holidays as we celebrate the risen Lord who conquered death! Join us at 10am for our worship service. We encourage you to stay for our egg hunt for the children right after the service outside! See you there!!
Support our Honduras 2023 summer team by eating pancakes with us at 9am on April 2 before Sunday Gathering at Flint Hills Christian School. 13 New Hopers are headed to Honduras for a week this summer to serve at an orphanage and consider an ongoing partnership with the organization. Bring cash or check to donate to the cost of the trip and enjoy a hot breakfast!
Join us at 1501 Tuttlecreek Blvd to continue the clean up process of our new property!! The asbestos removal process will be finished and we can continue to throw away trash and begin demolition as instructed by those leading the time. Come dress in clothes to get messy and bring some work gloves.
If you are new and want to learn more…
Or if you have been around, but want to become a member…
Join us for the Intro to New Hope Class!! We will enjoy lunch and discuss the values and vision of our church. We will also give you all the information you would need to become a member. This meeting will be at the Jaques’ Home (6134 Tumbleweed Terr.) right after our Sunday Gathering.
WomensLIFE is hosting a canvas painting event for any women on February 26 at 1:30-3:30pm at the Eisenhower Rec Center! The cost is $15. You can RSVP on the Facebook event or to Kristen Page at!
February 25 there will be a men's Saturday morning meeting. Dave Mitchel from West Ridge church in Wichita will come and talk about purity for men. We will have coffee and donuts. Starting at 8:00 am at the ironclad meeting center in Wamego Kansas. High school age men are also welcome.
Women’sLIFE enjoyed the book study so much last semester they are going to do another book study this spring semester beginning February 22nd. They will go through Jackie Hill Perry’s book Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture. This is an 8 week study through the book of Jude. The cost is $20 for the study guide and access to the videos in case you miss a week. See below for the two attendance options:
1) There is a time set again for Wednesday mornings at College Heights Baptist Church from 9-10:30am. Childcare is provided but limited. Childcare cost is $5-10 per week paid up front. The final price will be determined when we know how many moms are interested. **If paying for childcare is a hindrance, we do have funds set aside to help.**
2) Ginny Young is hosting the evening study!! Her days and times available to host are found on the registration form. Depending on the most common day women sign up for is the evening the study will occur on. Stay tuned for the details.