Elder Qualifications
The Biblical Basis of Eldership
New Hope Church desires to emphasize the ability and responsibility of each member to serve others. From those actively serving and worshiping within New Hope, God will raise up servant-leaders who demonstrate the spiritual maturity necessary to guide the church. These servant leaders—elders—are charged with serving together to energize and enable all of New Hope’s people to accomplish God’s purposes, goals and objectives for His church.
The heart of the elder-church relationship is that elders serve the church by leading and the church appreciates and esteems their service. God holds elders accountable for their service of leadership and the church accountable for their cooperation with their leaders. As described in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, we seek to live in peace with one another through this relationship.
What are the responsibilities of the elders?
Elders will devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the word of God. Elders teach and exhort the church, and correct those who teach error. They are trustees of the truth. (Acts 6:4; 1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Timothy 5:17; Titus 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:12)
Elders are responsible to equip the church members for the work of ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Elders are responsible to provide general oversight to the church. (Acts 20:28; Hebrews 13:17; Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:12; 1 Timothy 3:2; 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Peter 5:2-3)
In matters concerning the heart of the church, such as vision, character and values
In matters of doctrine (Acts 15; 16:4)
In matters of church discipline (Hebrews 13:17)
In practical matters (Acts 6:1-6; 11:29-30; James 5:14)
Decision making authority (see New Hope’s Bylaws)
How are New Hope Elders selected?
Anyone involved with New Hope, including members of the active Elder Team, can recommend an individual for consideration to serve as an Elder.
The active Elder Team will decide when and how many people need to be set apart as an Elder for the next term.
The active Elder Team will screen individuals who aspire to serve or who have been recommended to serve. They may interview individuals to determine whether they meet the Biblical qualifications and share a heart for New Hope’s mission and vision. Consideration will also be given to the skills and abilities needed on the Team at the time.
Once the Elders have screened potential candidates, they will recommend to the church those they believe would best serve the interests of New Hope for the next term.
These individuals must be affirmed by the church before they can begin their service. This typically constitutes a presentation of potential Elders to the congregation along with a request for feedback to be provided over following two weeks. Any questions or objections should be considered and addressed within that period (the time period could be extended if necessary)—and the Elder Team will make a final decision after all feedback is received/resolved.
New Hope will be served by no fewer than three and no more than 12 Elders.
The Elders may be comprised of both staff and non-staff individuals.
What kind of men are selected to be elders?
New Hope’s Elders shall be comprised of men who are characterized by their spiritual maturity, humility, godly character, and the heart to shepherd the people of New Hope. Their lives will demonstrate the qualities described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-3.
Paul emphasizes spiritual maturity and character over gifting. It is possible to be very gifted and knowledgeable, yet immature or even carnal. Immature people often get into leadership, where they do the church much harm (see Diotrophes 3 John 9). There is nothing wrong with the desire to be a Christian leader (1 Timothy 3:1), but it must be for the right reason.
Since these qualities describe spiritual maturity, they are helpful in that they describe the character that the Holy Spirit is seeking to produce in everyone’s lives. Not surprisingly, most of these qualities are prescribed elsewhere in the New Testament for all Christians. If we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into a man or woman of God, we can be sure that God will put us into the roles of leadership that he has prepared for us.
The qualifications for elders generally fall into two categories:
1. He must be functionally effective in spiritual leadership.
Already Leading. Just as Jesus said sheep would know the voice of their shepherd, (see John 10:4), itseems likely that those considered for eldership in the early church had already demonstrated the ability to lead. This is probably why Paul waited for a while after starting the churches in Ephesus and Crete before he had Timothy (ch.3) and Titus (ch. 1) appoint elders.
Incubated, not “overnight wonders.” It took time for the true leaders to naturally emerge. This suggests a serious commitment to front-loading preparation (training).
Able to accommodate learning on part of young believers (and perhaps even unbelievers). The ability to lead others in spiritual matters is also implied by the fact that the elder must be "skilled at teaching" (1 Tim. 3:2), or, "able to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict" (Titus 1:9). A teacher is not skillful unless his students learn. Learning includes how to do God's will, not just how to know it. (James 1:22-25)
Must have a good reputation both inside and outside the church community, and have a self-awareness that includes how they impact others and that there are no skeletons in the closet that are unmentioned. Elders and deacons had to "hold fast the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience" (1 Tim. 3:9) which would not be possible if they were guilty of sins of omission (see also "above reproach" 1 Tim. 3:2).
Behavior is consistent with revealed truth. All of these references imply that elders had to be practitioners of the Word, not just theoreticians.
2. He must be morally upright and consistent.
Character counts. The emphasis in the Bible is on character even over and above function.
See biblical qualifications below.
The following are the character qualities of an elder:
Above reproach
(1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6,7) -- anepilempton: unaccusable; anegkleton: unreprovable
This is the summation of all other characteristics.
Not only the absence of disqualifying factors is in view, but positive things are evident.
A good reputation spiritually. (Acts 6:3; 16:2)
Husband of one wife
(1 Timothy 3:2) -- mais gunaikos andros: one-woman man
This probably does not refer to polygamy (which was not common in the Roman empire), but rather that sexual morality is an established life-style.
This qualification does not exclude divorcees; present life-style only is in view (as with all of the qualifications).
Exclusion on this basis must take into account flirting, porno habits, inappropriate "counseling" of the opposite sex, etc.
(1 Timothy 3:2) -- nephalion: sober
This is the opposite of being mentally and spiritually dense. It is linked with alertness in 1 Thessalonians 5:6 and 1 Peter 5:8.
The person has a clear perspective on life, and a correct spiritual orientation.
(1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8) -- sophrona: thoughtful, self-controlled, sane
The person is mentally healthy. (Mark 5:15; 2 Corinthians 5:13)
He has an honest evaluation of himself which involves neither arrogance nor self-hate (Romans 12:3).
The person evidences the ability to be reasonable, sensible, able to keep one's head. (Titus 2:6; 1 Peter 4:7)
(1 Timothy 3:2) -- kosmion: well-ordered
A habit of orderliness and stability has been established. (1 Timothy 2:9; 1 Peter 3:4)
(1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8) -- philoxenon: lover of strangers
The person takes a genuine interest in new people. This would include both an outreach orientation and the willingness to open his home to others. (Hebrews 13:2)
Able to Teach
(1 Timothy 3:2) -- didaktikon: skilled at teaching
The elder must understand Scripture well enough to be able to effectively exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict. (Titus 1:9)
This does not necessitate being a gifted large-group teacher.
"Grounded in the Word" means that the elder can explain and apply biblical concepts in his words, and discern error when he hears it.
Not Addicted to Wine
(1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7) -- me paroinon: not lingering over wine
The person has a demonstrated freedom from drunkenness, or substance abuse. There is no dependence on alcohol or other drugs.
Able to give up freedom to avoid stumbling a weaker brother. (1 Corinthians 8)
Not self-willed
(Titus 1:7) -- me authade: not a usurper
This is linked with rebelliousness in 2 Peter 2:10, and with usurpation of rightful authority in 1 Timothy 2:12.
There should be a proven ability to defer to others.
Avoids a "my way or the highway;" attitude.
To "defer" means that you actively get behind the others' way and help it to succeed.
Implies he is able to apologize
Not quick-tempered
(Titus 1:7) -- me orgilon: not inclined to anger
The person is not vengeful or violent, brooding or bitter, especially when he doesn't get his own way. (Ephesians 4:29, 31)
When Moses struck the rock (Num. 20) he was refused entry into Canaan. When leaders misrepresent God by making him seem more angry than he really is, it's a serious thing. (James 1:19,20)
Leaders may get angry, but they should be slow to anger rather than having a short fuse.
The leader must be under control, avoiding violent outbursts.
Elders must be able to drop offenses, not hold onto them.
Not pugnacious
(Titus 1:7; 1 Timothy 3:3) -- me plekten: not a striker
The person is not prone to physical or verbal abuse (i.e. slander, put-downs, etc.).
He’s a lover, not a fighter.
(1 Timothy 3:3) -- epieike: gracious, forbearing
The person is not unduly rigorous or legalistic in his treatment of people.
He is kind, empathetic and patient with all people.
The opposite of quick-tempered, or pugnacious.
People are fragile. We need to consider how our words and actions will affect them. (2 Timothy 2:24,25; 1 Thessalonians 2:7; Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 4:3; Colossians 3:12,13; 1 Timothy 6:11; Galatians 5:22,23; James 3:17)
(1 Timothy 3:3) -- amachon: peaceable
This means not looking for ways to disagree or oppose; not loving to fight or quarrel.
The person possesses a positive and constructive point of view.
This is the opposite of being self-willed.
Free From the Love of Money
(1 Timothy 3:3) -- aphilagruron: not greedy
This means the ability to be content with what one has materially. (1 Timothy 6:8)
The person is not motivated by financial considerations in ministry goals. (Acts 20:33)
True love for Christ and his work will become eclipsed by greed. Our day is replete with newsy examples of the error of money-love in the church. (Matthew 6:24)
Mature elders should give away much to others, and should live a simple life-style in order to curb temptation. (1 Timothy 6:6-11, 17-19)
Manages own household well
(1 Timothy 3:4,5; Titus 1:6) -- prohistemenon: to stand before; manage; to lead, used of an army commander standing before his men
This is a demonstrated ability to lead spiritually and effectively in marriage, if one is married, and family
The elder's family should respect him and voluntarily follow his leadership
Examining one's family life tends to ensure that the person is spiritually authentic and not two-faced.
Christian leader's first responsibility is to his own family. Prioritizing and practicing biblical principles with family and home is crucial in cooperating with God. (1 Corinthians 7)
Not a new convert
(1 Timothy 3:6) -- me neophuton: newly planted
The person has been a walking Christian long enough to be tested by God. (1 Timothy 3:10)
The person should have experienced success without becoming conceited.
Having a good reputation with those outside
(1 Timothy 3:7) -- exothen: used by Paul for non-Christians (Colossians 4:5)
Non-Christians are unable to discredit the person.
They speak well of him generally, and accusations are easily exposed as false. (1 Peter 3:16)
The person is spiritually authentic and not two-faced. This is has important, obvious implications for evangelism.
The elder resists a Christian ghetto mentality, and fosters a constant awareness of the watching world.
Loving what is good
(Titus 1:8) -- philagathon: loving good
The person's lifestyle demonstrates that God's way is enjoyed. (Rom. 12:2)
There is no questionable dichotomy between the person's recreational life and ministry.
(Titus 1:8) -- dikiaon: just, righteous
The person is fair and impartial in his dealings with people. (1 Timothy 5:21)
When favoritism and particular biases are adopted, the biblical concepts of righteousness and goodness fade, and with that, God's agenda and priorities.
To gain victory in this area, one must be well aware of what his own bias tendencies are, and must resist those in favor of biblical truth.
(Titus 1:8) -- hosion: practical seriousness and zeal for God's will
A single-mindedness for God and His work.
Have we thought through the cultural accretions that have nothing to do with being a believer, but often receive so much of our energy?
This person relates all their activities to a concern for the gospel.
As the Holy Spirit uses these passages to convict us, how should we as leaders respond?
Acknowledge to Him your lack, along with how you see this lack concretely manifesting itself in your life currently.
Agree that you want Him to change you in this area.
Agree that you cannot change yourself, but that you believe that He can change you in this area, no matter how deeply entrenched it is.
Ask Him to give you practical steps of faith to take.
Look for those who are strong in these areas, observe how they exhibit these qualities, and talk with them about how they developed it. (Philippians 4:9; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Hebrews 13:7)