Stay Thirsty
Vision 2019Richard JaquesJesus, Pslams, Jeremiah, Matthew, Luke, Romans, Ephesians, Revelation, Thirst, Rest, Come, Principle of Displacement, Repentance, Serve, Gratitude, Vulnerability, Dick Jaques
Vulnerability the Pathway to Growth
Vision 2019Richard JaquesJesus, Vulnerability, Open, Honest, Relationships, Trust, Wisdom, Expectations, Dick Jaques, Proverbs, Matthew, Ephesians, 1 John
The Parable of the Talents
The StorytellerRobbie NutterTalent, Ability, Wealth, Fear, Faith, Risk, Gospel, Self Protection, God Promotion, Pslams, Matthew, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Robbie Nutter
Forgive from the Heart
The Kingdom is Worth it All